Amanda Energieprodukte

zukunftsweisend für allumfassende Gesundheit



Amanda Energy Products

increased vitality





Testimonials from content customers


Feedback from our content customers

Please read the many testimonials of our content customers. We would like to hear from your experiences as well. Please let us know!

Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): My husband has been suffering from psoriasis (skin disease) for many years. He has tried many different treatments to cure it but with only little success. About three months ago I have fitted the Amanda Water Vitaliser to our water supply system without giving notice to my husband. During this period of time the open wounds are almost healed up, there are only a few red spots left. The tremendous itchiness which often had prevented him from sleeping has stopped completely as well. We are very astonished by this result which we didn't expect at all. 

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Pyramid Type 12 and Plug-In Device: I have a Pyramid at home and a Plug-In Device in my office. I'd like to tell you about my experiences with these devices. Most striking is the change of the tap water's quality. It tastes much better and it even feels softer than in the mountains. Lime is hardly depositing and can easily be cleaned away.

I experience the effect of the Pyramid mostly on a mental or spiritual level: The atmosphere in our house has much improved, the neighbor's child has become more quiet, there are less quarrels. My neighbor, who suffers from a mental disease, could reduce the dose of her medicine and suffers less from ups and downs. As for myself, I feel much more vital and strong. 

The atmosphere at my work place has changed, too. Although there is always a lot of stress I feel less affected by it and my colleagues are more relaxed and happy although they are not informed about the device.

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): My water seems to become "hotter". In any case, I was able to reduce the temperature of my boiler.  

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Plug-In Device: My GP recommended bringing the Plug-In Device to my dentist in order to test it out. My dentist uses electro acupuncture by Voll. The dentist has been enthusiastic about it. First he tested my body organs without the Plug-In Device being in operation, than he tested again for control with Amanda plugged in - and all results were well-balanced, it was astonishing. Conclusion: Amanda shall work for us further on. 

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Plug-In Device: After having harmonised the geopathic stress in our house by setting up Amanda Devices we feel much more healthy and profit from increased vitality. Our daughter's chronic cough is healed as well as her insomnia vanished. I even feel supported in my work as a music composer by your help. We feel very grateful for that.  

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Plug-In Device: After the last seminar I had felt completely worn-out and tired. This time I brought the Amanda Plug-In Device with me. The effect was very amazing: It was not only me who felt astonishingly well and fresh despite of the tiresome weekend, but there were other 12 participants in the course who experienced the same without knowing about the device. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): After having fitted the Amanda Water Vitaliser our tap water tasted much better. I also noticed that there was less lime scale. But somehow I didn't consider this being enough. I had expected a miracle and was disappointed when it didn't happen. 

One year later, we had to remove the Pipe Wrap from the pipe because of construction work. I realized only by then that there had taken place a miracle already. A vigorous pain of the hip-joints re-occurred which had disappeared without my noticing. I remembered now how awful I used to suffer, I had even considered an operation. After putting the Amanda Pipe Wrap back to its place the pains gradually relieved again. It really is wonderful!  

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): Lately, when I went at the hairdresser's the lady there asked quite astonished what I had done to my hair. It had become much stronger and healthier. I hadn't changed anything but fitted the Water Vitaliser.

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Pyramid Type 12: Until the age of three our son awoke every night several times. After the analysis by family Tschopp we finally got an explanation for this phenomenon. Shortly before Christmas we bought an Amanda Pyramid. As a result our son suffered from heavy healing reactions during the holidays until after new year's eve. From then on his state improved gradually and meanwhile this "stop-and-go" pattern of his sleep  has come to an end.

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): After having fitted the Water Vitaliser we could reduce the amount of coffee powder needed by our coffee machine by three points on the scale. It still tastes the same as before. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): Up to now I have tested 5 different Water Vitalisers. I'd like to let you know that yours is by far the best. (…)

Amanda water tastes softer, sweeter and somehow happier than any other water I've ever tried. Its beautiful clarity is impressive, almost like receiving a declaration of love by each glass I'm drinking. The same impression got a flat-mate of mine. Sometimes it tastes so good I can't get enough of it. It seems to become hotter because e.g. I now need using more cold water when taking a shower than before. Lime scale is easily removed by hand and I need less washing agents and soap. The water sparkles and prickles on my skin in a wonderful sensuous way, almost like a caress, and you notice that it loves its duty again. Vegetable, even older, becomes fresh and hard again after laying in the water for 5 to 10 minutes. Although I'm not suffering from any sickness or ailing and therefore I can't judge Amanda water's beneficial advantages I'm absolutely convinced that there must be and I will recommend your products to anyone.

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Plug-In Device and Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): Before fitting  the Water Vitaliser I waved it for some time zigzag across my pond in the garden. With astonishing results. The surface of the water seems suddenly different. I'd like to call it velvety. The surface tension has changed. The water of our little fountain murmurs now softly and more quiet. Its wave pattern on the water surface has changed. In soft quiet rings the movement flows towards the shore. Before, this same movement used to be like a little storm.

Drinking the water it tastes much better and fresher. I don't need bottled water any more. Spots of lime can easily be removed without cleaning agents, even without softener. By the way, my husband has just noticed that the open part of his skin which would not heal for some time now is completely closed and even its itchiness has gone. 

Meanwhile the atmosphere in our house has changed considerably. After some difficulties in the beginning, we now sleep without waking, apart from a few exceptions. The vibrations of my body, which used to bother me during the night, have vanished. My headache became very rare and the related ear noise as well. 

In the beginning we suffered from some reactions to the changing of the energy field as itchiness and lymph congestion. But now we feel much better than ever before. In the morning we get up fresh and relaxed. I could notice that my high spirits and my love of life have come back to me. 

My husband is again the relaxed and happy spouse he used to be. He only likes to sleep a little bit too much! Like the cat in its basket which obviously feels great as well. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): After my arrival to Berlin we fitted the Amanda "bag" under the sink in the kitchen. A few hours later we tested the water by kinesiology and by its taste. Our daughter Antonia considered this unbelievably exciting and ever since she only drinks power water from the tap!

It really is amazing: I had told you about the brown rusty slop which sometimes emerged from our faucet. It has stopped. The rims of lime have lessened considerably and can easily be removed. The water really tastes good, we don't need carrying cases and I don't need to use body lotion after having taken a shower. 

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Pyramid Type 7.5: I had been suffering from serious sleeping problems for some time and I had already asked for advice an other enterprise. It seams that its devices were not  powerful enough. 

Now I tried the Amanda Pyramid Type 7.5 and my problems diminished considerably after a fortnight already. Today, again some weeks later, all problems have gone completely. I dare say this investment was really good value for money. I'd highly like to recommend Amanda Products.

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Medallion: The Medallion is just completely good. I feel protected - and if on the train there are sometimes  3 – 4 – 5 mobile phones used around me I more clearly can recognize from which direction the vibrations come so that I can keep my distance. But with a normal amount of them I stay there without problems and I feel sheltered with the Medallion. Without it I feel naked. 

The Pyramid is completely good and beautiful and effective ...

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap) and Pyramid Type 12: Within the first 4 weeks the daily bath changed my skin noticeably, even visibly. It became smoother and the pores became smaller. Cuts heal within a shorter period of time, held under running water a  wound stops bleeding more easily. 
Before I suffered quite often from colds, today I'm freed.
By drinking daily 1 1/2 - 2 l water I feel changed both physically and mentally. Old blocks gradually dissolve.
Fruit and vegetable taste distinctly fresher and more aromatic. Fruit remains fresh over a longer period of time. Homemade bread tastes more intense and remains fresh.
We don't need any bottled water any more. Our visitors enjoy our living water, even children like the water.
For washing and washing up I need distinctly less cleaning agents.
My hair became smooth and easy  to comb. My husband hasn't dandruff any longer despite of daily shampooing.
The plants thank by growing lushly.

A lady has been under medical treatment for a year because of mental problems, without much success. After a short time when she took bathes in living water and drank kefir made from the water there were tremendous positive changes, even though this person knew nothing about the fitting of the Amanda Water Vitaliser.

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): In the beginning I felt very skeptical about it. But today I wouldn't miss it any more. It's just wonderful what happened. All medical doctors should recommend Amanda Devices to their patients. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): Chronic constipation passed away after a short time by drinking living water, now normal digestion, age 75, I feel much fitter both physically and mentally. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): If headache (migraine) starts I immediately drink 3 glasses of living water and the pain vanishes. 

After driving 800 km I took a bath for about 30 minutes and my tiredness was clean gone, I felt as fresh as a daisy. 

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Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): My resistance to hey fever and allergies has increased by drinking Amanda's living water daily. The consistence of lime scale changed and its remnants can easily be removed. The water is soft. After taking bathes or showers the water sparkles on the skin and I don't need body lotion or only a small amount of it. The purchase cost paid to itself. 

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Pyramid Type 12 and Water Cylinder Type 1: In the beginning the whole family suffered from quite heavy healing reactions: headache and swollen glands. In the morning we woke as if we had labored during the whole night. Meanwhile it's all changed into the contrary: We feel fitter and more efficient and our general state of health became much better. Our daughter's learning difficulties (legasthenia) have almost vanished. I sense the energy of the pyramid very agreeably, somehow pricking, it's difficult to describe. I noticed as well that I make great progress on a spiritual level. There is a clearing process going on even there. 

There was a lot of waste coming off the pipes during the first week which filled all the sieves. Now we like our water much better and drink distinctly more of it. We need less cleaning agents. I don't fertilize my plants any more but despite this fact there are continuously new shoots growing even if the plants have been in a bad state before.

It is interesting as well that our pigs drink significantly more water, although their stable is about 20 m apart from the house. Previously their urine was very dark. Now it is almost turned to white. 

We are very pleased with the effectiveness of the pyramid.

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Pyramid Type 12 and Soil Vitaliser: We quite often have guests who clearly feel at home and spontaneously decide to stay for the night and who don't show any signs of tiredness when discussing deeply late at night... And we do not either.

We distinctly noticed the effectiveness of our house's harmonisation during a celebration. We invited 70 people, 12 children were among them, at our home. The house was brimful and soon there was a vivid and cordial mood all over. The kids played for hours without any quarrels which quite amazed some of the parents. Many guests were ready to help and the feast developed in a most creative way. Spontaneously some people improvised a  vocal concert and at midnight someone told a fairy tale. The last guests left our home at 19 h the next day! We clearly sense that the two harmonisers as well as the medallion we both wear improve our quality of life. Thank you very much!

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Pyramid Type 12 and 2 Water Vitalisers (Pipe Wrap): After setting up a transmitter for mobile telephones at the roof of our company I suddenly suffered from different ailments. Quite often I had a headache and I suffered from a sensation of pressure in the eyes, I often felt unwell and worn-out. The staff of the integrated call-center got health problems as well. There was a huge raise in the cases of illness with the result that we were short of stuff every now and then.

I was most positively surprised by the success of the harmonisation. My problems soon passed away. The staff felt much better and during the following winter the wave of influenza let us almost unaffected.

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Pyramid and 2 Water Vitaliser (Pipe Wrap): The transmitter for mobile telephones on the roof of our company caused serious health problems to some people of our staff, they hadn't known before. The effectiveness of the harmonisation was very impressive. An obstinate skin rush in the face of one of our work-mates disappeared within two days and never has re-appeared since then. Even symptoms such as swimming of the head with white spots within the visual range, headache with inner "buzzing", shortness of breath and early fatigue disappeared completely after a few weeks.

Office with 10 employees

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Medallion: I only "support" your work because I'm impressed by your knowledge and I'm convinced of your products. Of all Amanda Products I know I'm most satisfied by the medallion. I often suffer from rheumatic and nervous pains, tensions, ear and headaches. It is sufficient to place the medallion on the aching spot and within a very short period of time the pain has gone.

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