Amanda Energieprodukte

zukunftsweisend für allumfassende Gesundheit



Amanda Energy Products

increased vitality






We would like to give you some more information concerning us or topics related to our work which may help to understand it better. 

Articles written by us and about us

bulletIn nr 01 of February 2000 of the 'Heilpraxis-Magazin Schweiz' an extended article written by us was published on the topic of „Feinstoffliche Umweltverschmutzung“ (pollution on a subtle energy level). It explains how not only chemical substances may disturb us but "information" on a subtle energy level as they are known by homeopathic treatment. 

The link will guide you to the website of the magazine (in German). 
bulletIn the Tages-Anzeiger  of August 17th 1999 an article was published about our geomantic work concerning rows of standing stones which are found near Mettmenstetten (Zurich) and in the surroundings. 

The link will guide you to the website of the newspaper (in German). 

Links to Hotels using Amanda Energy Products

Locanda dei Gelsi in Piedmont, Italy

Davide and Valeria Giordano, via della Resistenza no 22, I - 12020 Villar San Costanzo (Cuneo), Tel. 0039 0171 910062

A peaceful little place (15 beds) which has been constructed following the laws of organic architecture. Using natural colors and materials only, there has been created a cosy ambience. Excellent kitchen with local and vegetarian specialties, using solely organic ingredients. 


Kurhaus Alpenblick in Badgastein, Austria

Familie Hirsch, Kötschachtaler Strasse 19, A - 5640 Bad Gastein, Tel. 0043 6434 2062

Little ***Hotel quiet and with superb view over the Gastein valley and the Alps, outdoor spa, Kneipp cure, dancing lessons
For winter and summer holiday

Panoramagasthof Kristberg in Vorarlberg, Austria

Familie Zudrell, Kristberg 240, A - 6780 Silbertal im Montafon, Tel. 0043 5556 72290

Very quiet ***Hotel at 1440m and with a magnificent view onto the alpine scenery. You will just love it! Hiking at any season, summer and winter sport facilities

Seminar- und Ferienhotel Kientalerhof, Kiental, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Kientalerhof, CH - 3723 Kiental, Tel. 0041 33 6762676

Seminars with international teachers and students, mostly in English. Suitable for family holidays as well. Quiet surroundings. 

Links to other websites (caesarian section)
This website provides a lot of useful information about birth in general and complications which may occur. It explains which treatments can help the child or the mother to overcome the traumatic experience.

The link will guide you to the website (in German).
Dominique Starck is a Swiss guitar player and composer. Lots of hints for music teachers.

CDs by Dominique Starck are available. e.g.:
- Alchemy of the Octave, 1997, ISBN 3-924195-30-7
- Diamond, 1992
- Winds, 2001
Published by DNDS Records, CH-8104 Weiningen

The link will guide you to the website (in German).

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Stand: 21. Mai 2004

© Amanda Energieprodukte, Affoltern a. A.
